OI Global Partners is a consortium of 225 privately held offices in 28 countries offering a variety of outplacement and career transition programs that are designed to meet a wide range of organizational and individual needs. Using results-focused programs, we focus on people and quality outcomes, not rigid processes and this month’s profit targets. Proactive about arranging next-day appointments, we help employees gain control over the process.
Lifocus Career Services - OI Global Partners - Career Transition/Outplacement Programs
While making sure that your organization meets its business goals, we define success by helping employees meet their career goals, not just find the “next job.” In other words, we lead change for organizations and individuals.
Our career transition programs include:
⭐ Executive Outplacement Programs
⭐ Individual Outplacement Programs
⭐ Group Outplacement Programs
⭐ Specialized Career Services
⭐ Co-Managed Individual System SM
⭐ Assessments
⭐ Onboarding
Career transition programs includes:
- Weekly scheduled private meetings with a certified career counselor
- Virtual online career portal, with one year access for all outplacement programs at no additional cost. Training and support provided.
- Candidate and partner counseling, as needed
- Diagnostic career assessments
- Preparing a Value Proposition
- Building resumes, CV’s and cover letters for today’s job market
- Development of a strategic self-marketing plan
- Training on incorporating social media into the job search; we will build your LinkedIn profile!
- Working with executive search firms
- Networking – scripts, role play and leads provided
- Intensive job interview skills training using video role play analysis
- Compensation, contracts and benefits negotiation
- Entrepreneurial counseling & resources – the process of starting or acquiring a business
- Retirement counseling & resources—for retirement considerations, if needed
- Life coaching – lifetime skills, organizational skills, time management, etc.
- Focus On Life™ process; pre- and post-hire issues such as: onboarding, career goals, adjusting to company culture, assimilating to the new position, establishing work-place chemistry and awareness of job-specific skill and knowledge requirements
- Access to office facilities including telephone, fax, copier, computers with high-speed Internet, company/network databases and reference materials
- Administrative support services as needed

- Our Corporate Outplacement Programs are PRIVATE with weekly meetings for the duration of the program plus free access to the virtual career portal for one year.
- Our certified career coaches serve as confidante, advocate, and career/job market experts.
- Clients are provided with their consultant’s cell phone number and email to address any concerns they may have at any time during the process.
- Customized to fit the needs of the client. If you would like more information on our services or would like to set up an informational meeting, please call S. Thomas Wharton, Managing Partner at 401.884.7959, or email [email protected]
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